Below are some of the organisations we are proud to call partners. We’re always looking for new organisations to work with.
5Media Foundation
5 builds a more sustainable future by connecting thinkers and doers – those of us with the great ideas and those of us who have the skills to make them happen. Together, we co-create solutions and build powerful stories of change. In doing so, we change the scene. 5Media Foundation is an impact media foundation supporting projects imagined, developed and led by the 5 community with storytelling, resources and funding in order to co-create a more sustainable future.
Immerse yourself in this interactive page telling the story of Dr. Anika Molesworth. Created by 5Media Foundation:
Immerse yourself in this interactive page telling the story of Alisdair Tulloch. Winemaker going carbon neutral. Created by 5Media Foundation:
'WaterBear Network forms impact storytelling partnership with 5 Media'
by The Drum
The Positive Alternative is endorsed by:
Amazon Prime Video
WWF Australia
The Netherlands and Australia - Trade and Investements
WaterBear Network
Farmers for Climate Action
Climate Wise Agriculture
Documentary Australia Foundation
ADCN (Art Directors Club Netherlands)
Red and Co Agency
Roma Short Film Festival
Toronto Indie Festival